Delhi High Court Denies Shashi Tharoor's Plea in Defamation Case

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor’s attempt to dismiss a defamation case against him has been rejected by the Delhi High Court. The case stems from Tharoor's controversial remark, likening Prime Minister Narendra Modi to a "scorpion sitting on a Shivling," which he made in 2018. The statement led to a complaint from BJP leader Rajiv Babbar, who argued that the comment hurt his religious sentiments as a devotee of Lord Shiva.

Justice Anoop Kumar Mendiratta, who presided over the case, dismissed Tharoor’s plea to quash the proceedings, stating that the matter warranted a trial. The court had earlier put a stay on the defamation proceedings in 2020, but this order has now been vacated, and Tharoor is expected to appear before the trial court on September 10.

Tharoor, who has been vocal in his criticism of Prime Minister Modi, argued that his comment was not intended to hurt religious sentiments but was a metaphor used to describe Modi’s political position. Despite these arguments, the court maintained that the defamation case should proceed, emphasizing the need for such matters to be addressed through legal channels.

This ruling is a significant development in the ongoing legal battles involving high-profile political figures in India. The case has drawn considerable attention due to the sensitive nature of the remarks and the involvement of prominent political personalities.

Tharoor’s legal team is expected to explore further options, potentially escalating the matter to a higher court. Meanwhile, the proceedings in the trial court will continue, adding another layer to the complex legal and political dynamics surrounding this case.

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