Home Ministry Forms Panel to Probe Delhi Coaching Centre Deaths

Estimated read time: 1 min
A committee has been constituted by the Union Home Ministry to investigate the deaths of three IAS aspirants at a coaching center in Delhi. The tragedy, attributed to severe waterlogging in Old Rajinder Nagar, has sparked a series of official actions aimed at addressing the safety issues in the area.

The committee, which includes officials from the urban development ministry, Delhi police, and fire services, is tasked with identifying the causes, assigning responsibility, and suggesting preventive measures. They are expected to deliver their findings within 30 days.

In response to the incident, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has taken significant disciplinary actions, dismissing a junior engineer and suspending an assistant engineer for their alleged negligence in maintaining the stormwater drains. The MCD has also initiated anti-encroachment operations to remove illegal structures that may obstruct drainage systems in key coaching hubs like Old Rajinder Nagar and Mukherjee Nagar. To date, 19 coaching centers have been sealed for operating illegally.

Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena has met with protesting students, promising swift action against those responsible and announcing a compensation of Rs 10 lakhs for each affected family. The Delhi police have arrested five additional individuals, including the owners of the coaching center and a driver whose actions allegedly exacerbated the waterlogging situation. These arrests bring the total number of detained suspects to seven.

The investigations will extend to civic officials involved in certifying the coaching center’s compliance with safety regulations. This comprehensive inquiry aims to prevent similar tragedies in the future by enforcing stricter adherence to urban planning and safety standards.

These steps reflect a concerted effort by various government bodies to address the systemic issues that led to this fatal incident, ensuring accountability and improved safety measures for the city’s students .

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