Telangana Assembly Challenges Population-Based Delimitation Plans

The Telangana Legislative Assembly has adopted a resolution opposing the proposed delimitation of parliamentary constituencies based solely on population metrics. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy introduced the resolution, emphasizing the need for transparent consultations with all stakeholders, including state governments and political parties, before proceeding with the delimitation process.

The resolution underscores concerns that states which have effectively implemented population control measures should not be penalized by a reduction in parliamentary representation. It references the objectives of the 42nd, 84th, and 87th Constitutional Amendments, which aimed at stabilizing the national population, suggesting that these goals have not yet been fully realized. Consequently, the resolution advocates for maintaining the current freeze on the number of parliamentary seats while allowing for the redrawing of constituency boundaries within states to ensure equitable representation.

Chief Minister Reddy articulated that if delimitation proceeds based on population figures, the representation of southern states in the Lok Sabha could diminish from the current 24% to 19%. He described this potential outcome as a "planned attack" against the southern region, highlighting the discrepancy between the Centre's claims and its actions regarding the delimitation process.

This move by Telangana aligns with broader regional apprehensions. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin convened the inaugural Joint Action Committee meeting in Chennai, bringing together leaders from various states to address concerns over the delimitation exercise. The assembly called for a 25-year extension of the current freeze on parliamentary constituencies and proposed the formation of an expert panel to develop a comprehensive political and legal strategy.

The delimitation process, intended to redraw constituency boundaries to reflect demographic changes, has sparked a north-south divide. Southern states, which have achieved significant economic growth and effective population control, fear a diminution in their parliamentary influence compared to northern states with higher population growth rates. This concern is compounded by the potential redistribution of federal resources and political power.

In response to these developments, opposition parties have united to challenge the central government's plans. They argue that a population-based delimitation would disproportionately favor northern states, undermining the principles of equitable representation. The Bharatiya Janata Party , which holds significant sway in the northern regions, faces criticism for allegedly attempting to consolidate power through the proposed changes.

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