U.S. Deports 205 Indian Nationals Amid Intensified Immigration Enforcement

A U.S. military aircraft has deported 205 Indian nationals who had entered the United States illegally. The C-17 aircraft departed from Texas approximately six hours ago, transporting the individuals back to India. Each deportee's identity was verified, indicating collaboration between U.S. and Indian authorities in the deportation process.

This operation is part of a broader initiative by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to enforce immigration laws and manage unlawful entries. In the fiscal year 2024, which concluded on September 30, the DHS repatriated over 1,60,000 individuals through more than 495 international flights to over 145 countries, including India. Approximately 1,100 Indian nationals were repatriated during this period, utilizing both charter and commercial flights.

Royce Murray, Assistant Secretary for Border and Immigration Policy at the DHS, highlighted the cooperation between the U.S. and Indian governments in these operations. She noted that the recent deportation flight deplaned in Punjab, aiming to return individuals closer to their places of origin. However, she clarified that this does not necessarily mean all deportees were from Punjab or neighboring states.

The DHS has emphasized the importance of lawful pathways for migration and has implemented measures to deter illegal entries. Since June 2024, following the Securing the Border Presidential Proclamation and an accompanying Interim Final Rule, encounters between ports of entry along the U.S. southwest border have decreased by 55%.

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