Minister Priyank Kharge Rebukes Mohandas Pai's Critique of Bengaluru's Infrastructure

Karnataka's IT and Biotechnology Minister, Priyank Kharge, has sharply responded to former Infosys Chief Financial Officer T.V. Mohandas Pai's criticisms regarding Bengaluru's infrastructure. Kharge accused Pai of harbouring political ambitions, suggesting his persistent negative remarks aim to secure a Rajya Sabha nomination from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In a press briefing on Wednesday, Kharge addressed Pai's allegations, stating, "Mohandas Pai may have wanted a higher post at the Centre. He is accusing the ministers for that reason. Earlier, his position was different. After the change of government in the state, his stance has changed."

The exchange between Kharge and Pai intensified after Pai took to social media to express his dissatisfaction with Bengaluru's civic conditions. He highlighted issues such as unclean roads, lack of footpaths, and inadequate public infrastructure. In one of his posts, Pai remarked, "Bengaluru is a mess. We need a clean, walkable city. Where are the funds going?"

Kharge countered these claims by emphasizing Karnataka's significant economic contributions to the nation. He noted that the state stands as the second-largest tax contributor in India, with Bengaluru alone adding ₹9.1 lakh crore to the national GDP in 2024. Kharge argued that such substantial contributions warrant a greater allocation of central funds to address the city's infrastructure challenges.

Highlighting the financial dynamics, Kharge pointed out that the 15th Finance Commission had allocated ₹11,495 crore specifically for critical infrastructure improvements in Karnataka. He urged for the immediate disbursement of these funds, citing ongoing financial constraints affecting projects like tunnel roads, new flyovers, the Peripheral Ring Road, suburban rail, and water supply initiatives.

The minister also questioned the silence of Bengaluru's 16 BJP MLAs and Karnataka's 19 NDA Lok Sabha MPs regarding the Union government's approach to the state's infrastructure needs. He criticized efforts to redirect companies to other states and expressed concern over Karnataka's exclusion from national initiatives like the AI and Semiconductor Missions.

In a direct address to Pai, Kharge questioned the timing and consistency of his criticisms. He asked why Pai's critical tone emerges predominantly when the Congress party is in power, implying a selective bias in his commentary.

The public spat between Kharge and Pai has drawn attention to the broader discourse on Bengaluru's urban development and the political undertones influencing such debates. As the city continues to grapple with infrastructural challenges, the exchange underscores the complexities at the intersection of governance, economic contributions, and political narratives.

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