High Court Mandates Police Oversight for College's Saraswati Puja Amid Security Concerns

The Calcutta High Court has directed the Kolkata Police to provide security for the Saraswati Puja at Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College, following allegations that students faced threats from outsiders attempting to prevent the celebration. Justice Jay Sengupta ordered the removal of an unauthorized structure obstructing the main building and instructed the deployment of a Joint Commissioner-level officer, along with armed personnel, to oversee the event. The court also mandated that the entire ceremony be recorded on video to ensure transparency.

Tensions escalated when students reported that external individuals had erected a makeshift pandal, hindering access to classrooms and disrupting puja preparations. Some students alleged they received threats of violence, including rape and death, prompting them to file a police complaint and seek legal intervention. The court's directive aims to facilitate a peaceful celebration by ensuring adequate security measures are in place and preventing unauthorized access to the campus.

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