Gujarat Initiates Steps Toward Uniform Civil Code Implementation

The Gujarat government has announced the formation of a committee to explore the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code in the state. This decision was made during a cabinet meeting, with the committee expected to be led by a retired High Court judge and comprising three to four members. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has been authorized to appoint the committee members.

Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi emphasized that this move aligns with Article 44 of the Constitution, which advocates for a common civil code for all citizens. He stated that the government has honored the wishes of the people and party workers by taking this step.

Union Minister Parshottam Rupala clarified that the proposed UCC would encompass laws such as the Hindu Marriage Act and Muslim personal laws, which are not part of the Constitution. He assured that the UCC aims to address discrepancies in civil disputes, including issues related to property claims by wives or daughters, and is not intended to infringe upon fundamental rights.

The committee will assess various aspects related to the UCC and submit its report, upon which the state government will make a final decision regarding its implementation. No specific deadline has been set for the committee's report.

This development follows similar initiatives in other BJP-ruled states. Earlier this year, the Uttarakhand government announced its decision to implement a UCC, and the Chief Ministers of Himachal Pradesh and Assam have also expressed support for such a code.

The announcement comes as Gujarat prepares for upcoming Assembly elections, with the election schedule expected to be released soon. The ruling party has dismissed opposition claims that the UCC proposal is an attempt to polarize voters, asserting that the decision is in response to public demand and is not politically motivated.

The Uniform Civil Code has been a longstanding point of discussion in Indian politics. Article 44 of the Constitution, part of the Directive Principles of State Policy, states that the State shall endeavor to secure a uniform civil code for all citizens. Currently, personal laws in India are governed by the religious affiliations of individuals, leading to different laws for various communities.

Goa remains the only state in India with a uniform civil code, a legacy of the Portuguese Civil Code of 1867, which continues to be in force.

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