Nitish Kumar Backs Opposition's Push for Caste Census at Parliamentary Panel

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's JD(U) has thrown its weight behind the Opposition's call for a caste census, intensifying demands during a Parliamentary Committee meeting. This development marks a significant alignment between the JD(U) and Opposition parties, despite the JD(U)'s alliance with the BJP.

During the session, DMK member TR Baalu initiated the discussion, supported by Congress and Trinamool Congress members. They emphasized the importance of making the caste census a priority for the committee’s agenda. JD(U) member Girdhari Yadav echoed this sentiment, pushing for the issue to be listed for deliberation.

This push for a caste census comes against the backdrop of Bihar's own caste-based survey, a move championed by Nitish Kumar. The survey's results, released last year, have fueled the debate over the necessity of a nationwide caste census. With JD(U)'s alignment, the demand gains further momentum within the political landscape, particularly as the 2024 elections approach.

The committee, chaired by BJP's Ganesh Singh, now faces growing pressure to prioritize this issue. The discussion also touched upon related concerns, including the need for broader reservation policies encompassing contract and ad-hoc appointments. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the central government will respond to these escalating demands for a comprehensive caste-based enumeration.

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