Kangana Ranaut Faces Criticism Over Farmers' Protest Comments

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut has found herself at the center of controversy following remarks she made regarding the farmers' protests. Ranaut, who represents the Mandi constituency in Himachal Pradesh, suggested that the farmers' protests could have escalated into a "Bangladesh-like crisis" had the government not intervened decisively.

Her comments were met with swift backlash, not only from the opposition but also from within her own party. The BJP leadership distanced itself from Ranaut's statements, emphasizing that she is not authorized to speak on policy matters on behalf of the party. A BJP spokesperson clarified that her views do not reflect the official stance of the party and urged her to refrain from making such statements in the future.

Ranaut, known for her outspoken nature, has previously been a vocal critic of the farmers' protests, which were sparked by the now-repealed three farm laws. During the protests, she made headlines by incorrectly identifying a participant as Bilkis Bano, a prominent figure from the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests, and suggesting that the woman was "available for hire." These remarks led to widespread criticism, and her latest comments have reignited tensions.

BJP leaders in states like Haryana and Punjab, where the protests were particularly intense, have also criticized Ranaut. Punjab BJP leader Harjit Grewal emphasized that her remarks were personal and not in line with the party's pro-farmer stance. The opposition, particularly the Congress party, seized the opportunity to challenge the BJP's silence on the issue, questioning whether Ranaut's comments were independently made or reflective of broader sentiments within the party.

This incident adds to a series of controversies surrounding Ranaut's political commentary, highlighting the delicate balance between personal opinions and party policies in the public eye. As the BJP works to manage the fallout, it remains to be seen how this will impact Ranaut's political standing within the party.

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