INS Brahmaputra Severely Damaged In Fire, Lying On Its Side; Sailor Missing

A major fire broke out on the Indian Navy's guided missile frigate, INS Brahmaputra, causing extensive damage and leaving the vessel listing heavily to one side. The incident occurred during routine operations off the coast, resulting in the vessel taking on water. Efforts to contain the blaze were initially hampered by strong winds, but firefighters eventually managed to bring the situation under control.

Tragically, a sailor remains unaccounted for following the incident. The missing crew member, a Hull Artificer identified as Mohit, was reportedly below deck when the fire started. Rescue teams have been working tirelessly to locate him, but so far, their efforts have been unsuccessful.

INS Brahmaputra, part of the Indian Navy's fleet for over two decades, is known for its advanced missile systems and has participated in numerous naval exercises. The fire has raised concerns about the vessel's future operational status and potential repair costs. A thorough investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the fire and assess the extent of the damage.

Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of Navy Staff, visited the site and expressed his condolences to Mohit's family. He emphasized the importance of safety protocols and announced the formation of a high-level inquiry committee to look into the incident. The Navy is also reviewing its current safety measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

This incident marks a significant setback for the Navy, coming at a time when naval capabilities are being closely scrutinized. The loss of a key vessel like INS Brahmaputra could impact naval operations and necessitate a reassessment of the fleet's readiness.

As investigations continue, the focus remains on finding the missing sailor and ensuring the safety of all personnel involved. The Navy's efforts to salvage and repair INS Brahmaputra will be closely watched in the coming weeks.

- Marine Insight
- Naval Technology
- The Times of India

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