AFC Injects $150 Million into Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex Expansion

The Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), a leading infrastructure development institution on the continent, announced a significant investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) copper industry. A $150 million senior loan was secured by Kamoa Copper, a mining company overseeing the expansion of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex, Africa's largest.

This strategic move by the AFC aligns with their core mission of promoting the beneficiation of Africa's abundant mineral resources. Beneficiation refers to the value addition process that transforms raw materials into more refined products. In the context of copper, this could involve smelting or refining the ore into usable metals.

The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex is a world-class, high-grade, and low carbon-intensive underground copper deposit. Situated on the western edge of the Central African Copperbelt, it boasts some of the most promising copper reserves globally. Production commenced in July 2021, and the complex is currently undergoing its third phase of expansion.

This ambitious expansion plan aims to achieve a 33% increase in copper production capacity, pushing output beyond 600, 000 tonnes per annum (tpa). Furthermore, the project includes the construction of Africa's largest copper smelter, boasting a capacity of 500, 000 tpa of 99% pure copper anodes.

The AFC's investment will play a critical role in propelling this expansion forward. The additional capital will fund the development of the aforementioned smelter, a crucial step in transforming raw copper ore into a more valuable commodity. This focus on beneficiation aligns with the AFC's vision of maximizing the economic benefits extracted from Africa's natural resources.

By promoting beneficiation, the AFC hopes to create a more sustainable and diversified mining sector across the continent. The exportation of raw materials often yields a lower return than finished products. Investing in processing facilities like smelters allows African nations to capture a larger share of the value chain associated with their mineral resources.

The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex expansion project is expected to generate significant economic benefits for the DRC. Increased production will translate to a rise in government revenue through taxes and royalties. Additionally, the project is expected to create numerous jobs, both during the construction phase and in the ongoing operation of the mine and smelter.

The AFC's investment in the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex exemplifies their commitment to driving Africa's economic development through strategic infrastructure projects. This project has the potential to not only boost the DRC's copper production but also serve as a model for future beneficiation initiatives across the continent.

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